
About Us...

The battery backed power system industry has for years been blessed with many great subject matter experts. However, financial management, downsizing, attrition and other factors have contributed to an increasing loss of this knowledge base.

Another factor effecting the industry is the changing technologies. Power systems have become modular with built in redundancy which management uses as justification to reduce the number of trained equipment technicians. Marketers came up with the term “sealed, maintenance-free” batteries, which of course are neither.

Often power equipment and batteries are being maintained by non-qualified personnel such as UPS companies maintaining batteries or telephone technicians maintaining DC power equipment and batteries.

Brass Tacks Power System Advisors (BTPSA) was formed to offer solid, experience bases, advice for your battery backed power system needs. It is often said that the battery is the Achilles' Heel of the back-up power system and it is our objective to help customers reduce or even almost eliminate that risk. Let's be honest, batteries can be unpredictable, so failure cannot be completely eliminated. We will never tell you that we can do something that we can't!

battery.advice@comcast.net   301-401-0043